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reviews!! come see what i have to say if you care! ^.^


heiii haii hello!!

welcome to my review page!

here i review media that i finished and just talking about them!

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☆ The Cat Returns

Studio Ghibli - 2002 || runtime: 1h 15m || completed: 4/21/23

ohhhh my gawd this movie was so charming and cute!! i really recommend watching this yourself if you havent already! althought the movie wasnt perfect, that doesnt take away anthing. even the akward pauses after someone speaks was charming in its own way! i loved Haru sm!! she reminds me of myself a lot and i really enjoyed muta, the baron, and toto a lot too!!! they're all so sillay gwaaaaa i wish i could hug them all 🥹

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☆ Shower

Zhang Yang - 1999 || runtime: 1h 32m || completed: 5/18/23

this movie was presented in one of my classes in school and my teacher didnt really believe anyone would like this because its a chinese film about a bathhouse but i kept an open mind and i really enjoyed it. i was a little upset since it was an impactful film (i nearly cried during it) and everyone was just confused or just conplaining like guys... whatever it was a little funny tho when my teacher felt like he needed to explain some things and i was the only one who really understood it lawl

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☆ Paprika

Satoshi Kon - 2006 || runtime: 1h 30m || completed: 5/18/23

i went into this movie thinking is was going to be all sillay and such 😭 nah son this movie went crazy it kinda scared me at one point that i had to make sure no one was in my house 😭 i really reconmend it if you enjoy psychological thrillers like Perfect Blue (ive also watched that one :D)

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☆ Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

Marvel - 2023 || runtime: 2h 16m || completed: 6/3/23

DUDE I WAS SO HYPE IT WAS SO GOOD I LOVE YOU THE SPOT AND HOBIE BROWN I LOVE YOU BOTH SO SO MUCH I LIKED THE OTHER CHARACTERS A LOT TOO BUT THOSE TWO WERE MY FAV if you havent seen it yet GET ON THAT!!! i really recommend this for anyone even if your not a big spider-man fan!!! im making my sona and oc rn!! 🤬
